Wednesday, December 16, 2009

political party quiz results

My ideal party is democrat, according to my political party quiz results. I believe that I do have more democratic views than republic views. Democrats call for " affordable & quality healthcare" which I also agree with. Health care should be affordable for every citizen of the United States. Democrats also believe that the government should protect the environment, which I also agree with because I dont know who else, other than the government, could inforce the protection of the environment. I am completely against same sex marriage, which the democrat party is divided on. I would not agree with same sex marriage at all. I believe that abortion is wrong but i also believe that citizens should have the right to decide whether they want one or not. Its your body & I dont think the government can decide for you.

Friday, December 11, 2009

"Climate Rage"

Since then, the endless battle over health care reform has robbed much of the president's momentum on climate change. - This is a statement from the article that i feel very strongly about. The battle over health care has taken alot away from many subjects that are also very important & should also be taken just as seriously as the health care problems. I think its a good idea that, as a nation, we all work together to reduce the climate crisis that we also helped cause. I believe that everyone should do their part in helping to pay the climate debt because we all helped to cause this crisis.

Blog on U.S Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor & Pensions (HELP)

My committees role consists of matters relating to health, education, labor, and pensions. The committee's jurisdiction refers to the following subjects: measures relating to education, labor, health & public welfare ; aging ; agriculture colleges ; arts & humanities ; biomedical research & development ; child labor ; convict labor & the entry of goods made by convicts into interstate commerce ; domestic activities of the American National Red Cross ; equal employment opportunity ; Gallaudet University, Howard University, & Saint Elizabeth hospital ; individuals with disabilities ; labor standards & statistics ; mediation & arbitration of labor disputes ; occupational safety & health, including the welfare of miners ; private pension plans ; public health ; railway labor & retirement ; regulation of foreign laborers ; student loans ; & wages & hours of labor, including the federal minimum wage. This committee's job is to operate our country's health care, schools, employment & retirement programs & everything else that is included in the committee's jurisdiction.